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Installation Guide DIAX

System Requirements

Windows 2000 or XP
Windows 98: Please download and install the following patch VBRun60sp4.exe
Headset: for soundcard or USB

Download DIAX

Please request a VoIP account from mpol solutions. We will send you the details along with a URL where you can download the soft phone DIAX. [contact us]


Click on the link that you received by email (i.e.: http://www.mpol.ch/downloads/voip/setupRichardGere.exe).

2. Select „Open“ to install it


Select „Save“ to download it to a certain folder and open it from there.

Install DIAX

Please request a VoIP account from mpol solutions. We will send you the details along with a URL where you can download the soft phone DIAX. [contact us]

1. Select the installation language.

2. Click "Next >".
3. Choose where to install DIAX. The default should be ok, just click "Next >".
4. Select the Start Menu folder. The default should be ok, just click "Next >".
5. To create a desktop and quick launch icon click "Next >".
6. Check the settings and click on "Install".
7. Click on "Finish" to complete the setup and launch DIAX.


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